Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas CU Buffs Style

We missed having Chad and Megan for Christmas, however we sure enjoyed opening the presents they the sent to us from Colorado. If you haven't already noticed they are big CU Buffs fans and now so are we!
Jace loved his Toy Story sleeping bag and HAD to try it out!

Thanks Chad & Megan. We love all the gifts!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winter 10 Blizzard

OOPS! I guess the trip to town for a "loaf of bread" (code for "case of beer") is just going to have to wait. Sammy is in the car, just for the ride and decided it would be really funny to LOCK THE DOORS while I was out shoveling! Thanks goodness for On Star!

The car is out and so is Sammy. Now for some fun in snow!

I think we'll just be stickin around home for a while

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Philip's Last Game Played At Eau Claire

Welcome to football season in the Upper Midwest! It was sunny and 50 yesterday and we woke up to this site for Philip's last football game as a River Falls Falcon.

When we got to Eau Claire there was not much snow but rather cold rain.

What an exciting game! We were down 38 to 42 with 3 minutes remaining in the game. It was a long drive down the field and we had to go for it on 4th and long twice. We scored a touchdown with 20 seconds remaining!

Philip and some of his friends

We won't forget this game for a long, long time!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colorado Fall Trip "The Buffs!"

Chad and Megan took us to a Colorado Buff's game in Boulder

Man do these people know how to tailgate

Here is their mascot "Chip"
But the really famous mascot is "Ralphie" the Buffalo!

Out of the chute!
What a fun game!

Colorado Fall Trip Day 2

Yes, That's Chad coaching coaching 6 year old soccer! Here they are doing equipment check out with the ref.
The game is on!
The ref also ties shoes
AJ was the cutest one.
Coach Chad drinks Coke Zero. (He sponserd by Coke! Ha Ha)
Ref ties lots of shoes!
Coach gets excited when he sees a score coming (Parents are oblivious)
SCORE! we win 5 to 3 (would have been 6 - 2 but AJ scored in the wrong goal
Everyone love Bevo!
Medals after the game!
Now it's on to do a little mountain climbing

Chad and Philip make it to the top

OK, so i was a little behind. (Gee guys - don't all help me at once!)

Megan and Bevo are always ready to pick up the pieces

Bevo is such a good sport