Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colorado Fall Trip "The Buffs!"

Chad and Megan took us to a Colorado Buff's game in Boulder

Man do these people know how to tailgate

Here is their mascot "Chip"
But the really famous mascot is "Ralphie" the Buffalo!

Out of the chute!
What a fun game!

Colorado Fall Trip Day 2

Yes, That's Chad coaching coaching 6 year old soccer! Here they are doing equipment check out with the ref.
The game is on!
The ref also ties shoes
AJ was the cutest one.
Coach Chad drinks Coke Zero. (He sponserd by Coke! Ha Ha)
Ref ties lots of shoes!
Coach gets excited when he sees a score coming (Parents are oblivious)
SCORE! we win 5 to 3 (would have been 6 - 2 but AJ scored in the wrong goal
Everyone love Bevo!
Medals after the game!
Now it's on to do a little mountain climbing

Chad and Philip make it to the top

OK, so i was a little behind. (Gee guys - don't all help me at once!)

Megan and Bevo are always ready to pick up the pieces

Bevo is such a good sport

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bubbling Rock

Bevo Playing

Colorado Fall Trip Day 1

Philip and I took a trip to Colorado to see Chad and Megan! Chad is taking us out to eat on his lunch break.
And then a little ice cream!

After taking Chad back to work Megan took us on a trip to the mountians!

Back at home, Megan start supper and the boys and Bevo go out to play.

Bevo gets a drink from the Bubbling Rock Fountian.
Enjoying the fire pit! More to come tomorrow!